From now on, participation in the factorytour will be charged (500 yen).
A participation fee of 500 yen (tax included) will be charged for each visitor on the day of the factory tour. Thank you for your understanding.
Payment must be made at the factory tour venue or when getting off the bus.
Only cash is accepted. Please do not bring change on the day of the event.
factorytour vol.14 passについて営利を目的として、第三者に転売する事やオークションサイト・フリマサイト等への出品はご遠慮ください。
Regarding the factorytour vol.14 pass, please refrain from reselling it to a third party or listing it on auction sites, flea market sites, etc. for commercial purposes.
ファクトリーツアー よくあるお問合せ一覧
You can see the process of manufacturing “mt”
◉mt factory tour vol.14テープを始め、mtの豊富なラインナップを販売します
Selling limited edition tapes and a wide range of "mt" masking tape during mt factory tour vol.14
◉mt CASA shop では、リメイクシートなど全ラインナップを販売します
mt CASA shop: Selling all lineup of mt CASA series.
◉mt つかみ取り 一番白熱する企画なので、ぜひお試しください
mt grabbing: It is the most thrilling event, so please give it a try.
◉mt 測り売り お好みの幅にテープをカットし、販売いたします。
mt sold by width: Selling tape in your preferred width.
mt color select
◉mt 測り売り・mtカラーセレクトを注文される方は必ずお読みください。
Please read this section if you are ordering mt measurement and mt color select.
Please make sure to checkout at the factory tour venue. Please note that items will not be shipped if you do not check out.
You can order tapes with your preferred colour and pattern combination from the templates.
※Payment is available only at the venue.
※Please keep your order number and provide it at the payment counter.
※Shipping is available for only in Japan. We regret to inform you that we do not ship internationally.
◉限定商品をゲット! mtひもくじ
Get Limited Edition items! mt pull-string lottery
Selling limited edition laser-cut notebooks.
◉元祖ぶっかけうどんの「ふるいち」や自家焙煎珈琲の専門店「BESSO COFFEE ROASTERS」が工場内に出店します。
Local renowned shops such as "Furuichi" (Original Bukkake Udon) and the Home-Roasted Coffee shop "BESSO COFFEE ROASTERS," will open stores inside the factory.
◉期間中ご協力頂く、倉敷市内のmt サポートショップをご紹介します。
We will introduce mt support shops in Kurashiki city that will cooperate during the period.
◉アートユニット「Pip & Pop (ピップ&ポップ)」によるインスタレーションの展示
Exhibition of an installation by the art unit "Pip & Pop "
◉mt アウトレットコーナー
mt Outlet Corner
◉mt choice タピオカパック
mt choice tapioca pack
Shrink wrapping experience
◉mt stamp Rally 対象です。
Eligible for the mt Stamp Rally.
Accepting payments cashless only.
※ For mt gacha, mt grabbing, and mt pull-string lottery, please pay by cash at the counter. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
List of supported cashless payments:
Credit card
Rakuten Card / VISA / Mastercard / JCB / American Express / Diners Club / Discover Card
Rakuten Edy / Apple Pay / QUICPay / iD / nanaco / Kitaca / Suica / PASMO / TOICA / manaca /ICOCA / SUGOCA / nimoca / Hayakaken
QR Payments:
LINE Pay/d払い/PayPay/楽天ペイ/au PAY/メルペイ/ゆうちょPay/WeChat Pay/Alipay
LINE Pay / d pay / PayPay / Rakuten Pay / au PAY / Merpay / Yucho Pay / WeChat Pay / Alipay
The time of the return bus will be specified.
*Please board the return bus at the time indicated on your bus ticket. However, if there are vacant seats, boarding will be on a first-come, first-served basis (Please note that the time may vary due to traffic conditions).
【In the case that when the representative is unable to attend】
If the representative who registered for the tour cannot attend, we kindly ask that one person in the group becomes the representative instead.
Please download the Participant Change Application Form below in advance, fill in the contact information, and submit the form at reception on the day of the tour.
(頂きました個人情報はmt factory tourでの管理以外に使用は致しません。)
(The personal information received will only be used for the management of mt factory tour.)
Application: Period 10:00 on Wednesday, December 12 to 10:00 on Tuesday, December 24th
It is not based on the order of application. If we receive many applicants, a lottery system will be used.
Click here to apply