マスキングテープ「mt」- masking tape -


mt factory tour vol.8

  • 期間
    2019.03.21 → 04.03 9:00-18:00
  • 会場
    factory tour集合場所=カモ井パーキング 岡山




第8回「mt factory tour」工場見学会のお知らせ

◯2019 mt factory tour テープを始め、mtの豊富なラインナップを販売

◯mt CASA shopでは、新商品のリメイクシートなど全ラインナップを販売










◯元祖ぶっかけうどんの「ふるいち」や自家焙煎珈琲豆の専門店「BESSO COFFEE ROASTERS」など、地元の名店が工場内の食堂に出店します




○mt Stamp Rally対象です


・mt exシリーズ(225~315)は規格サイズの倍数で注文する

Due to we use a reading device, please follow the instructions below
* Must be written clearly and dark enough by using a ballpoint pen
* Write only one design/color for each column
* Only an alphabet and Arabic numerals are used
* Do not use an omitted words such as 〃/~
* The series of mt EX (225~315) can only be multiple sizes
* The size available from 3mm ~ 400mm



Due to we use a reading device, please follow the instructions below
* Must be written clearly and dark enough by using a black ballpoint pen
* Write only one design/color for each column
* Only an alphabet and Arabic numerals are used
* Do not use an omitted words such as 〃/~
* The color of a pattern and ground must be differed
* Minimum order quantity is 2 for each design (can be odd number)
* The ground color can be white by leaving the column empty (not for pattern color)



●mt factory tour に関するよくあるご質問

support shop MAP




・Each person can apply only once. Be aware that the same person cannot apply several times.
・Kamoi will strictly protect the personal information contained in the application form and will not use it for any purposes other than the application.
・Application using any forms other than Kamoi's application form will not be accepted.
・If there are many applicants, the winners will be selected by a draw. The result will be sent by e-mails at a later date.
・The draw will take place by grouping applicants based on desired day and time zone of a day for a plant tour. Kamoi will inform winners of the times of buses which will leave the gathering point for the plant.The time of the bus cannot be changed once it has been determined for each applicant.
※Click here for the bus departure time zones.
・For design reasons and to recreate the atmosphere of the time when the plant was operated as a production facility, the handrails on the circular staircase and the holes on the second floor for mixing equipment have been kept as is in the "No.3 mixing plant."This could be dangerous for children and adults, so pay special attention when passing by.Kamoi will be exempted from any responsibility for injuries and accidents that happen in the plant.


factory tour集合場所=カモ井パーキング

